Self-health care is a phrase for helping yourself to better life habits using a guidance system of actions and avodiances. Do this don't do that ... sure that's part of it but the whole of it is your commitment to living longer, stronger and happier. A more positive approach to living happily and prosperously each day are the life habits of the healthy, happy and prosperous. Then you are preventing a long term care facility by being physically and mentally capable to make your own decisions and conduct your activities of daily living. Shari's aunt lived to 109 and her mother 92 until they were institutionalized and died in nursing homes. At home is a better way to go. i have yet to meet anyone that could guess Shari's birth age ... she thinks, looks, acts twenty years younger than her birth certificate.
I personally didn't have a doctor for 12 years from the age of 65 to 77 because mine treated me for my age not my health status. I didn't want to take blood thinner, blood pressure pills, cholesterol medicines just because I was of that age and had a minor heart arrhythmia. But after slowing down in what I call rehirement, my body started talking back to me about my fitness program. I had to change my routines so I stayed out of the Doctor's office using my own tools for aging strong and problem free. Those consist of more aerobic exercises and less resistance training but consistance is the key factor to life habits living and aging. Shari takes a control regimen for a congenital heart problem and we only take natural supplements to manage our health and fitness Real Age vital signs.
I haven't been admitted to a hospital bed since 1968 when I had a hiatal hernia fixed. Since that time I have walked or ran a cumulative 42,500 miles. Enough to go across the US 19 times. Seems crazy but one foot at a time can get you anywhere if you are committed to the trip. Obama Care isn't designed to prevent or preserve your health, happiness or prosperity ... you are. It only treats the problem after your life habits create it or condone it until it becomes a chronic disease. Change your life habits to positives and leave the negatives to the doctors, hospitals nursing homes and funeral directors. Shari looks the same as she did at 50 and never seems to get any older. Her only health problem is controlled by a pace maker to keep her heart in rhythm but otherwise she is avoiding the institutional care as well.